1. The brand of the computer is Asus.
2. The sofware is Windows XP
3. Use Internet explorer, Motzilla Firefox and Google Chroom
4.There are three
6. Return:Entrar Space bar: Espacio Shift: Shift Tab:Tabulador Delete: Retroceso
Control: Control Escape: Escapar Hyphen or Dash: Guion Dot: Punto Comma: Coma Colon: Dos puntos right parenthesis: Parentesis derecho
Slash: barra oblicua at symbol: Simbolo
period or dot
2.A list of comuter operations: Click A box of the screen that shows information: Menu
A small picture or symbol: Icon Text or other data stored thogether with a special name: File
Software of creating text: Word procesor Press and release the button on the mouse: Click
a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move themouse: Cursor
select text/images with the mouse:
3·Mach these words processing commands whith there definition below.
1.Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere else: Copy
Software of creating text: Word procesor Press and release the button on the mouse: Click
a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move themouse: Cursor
select text/images with the mouse:
3·Mach these words processing commands whith there definition below.
1.Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere else: Copy
2. Preserve the contents of a document: Save
3. Cut text/images from one place and put them some where else: Cut and paste
4. Open an existing document: Open
5. Create a new document:New
6. Send the contents of a document to the printer: Print
7. Close the document with out quitting the word processor: Close
8. Save the contents of a document under a new file name: Save as
Well done! Finish exercise 6!!